of Godhead, is described secretly but not directly in the confidential parts of the revealed scriptures, such as the Upaniñads, Mahäbhärata and Bhägavatam.
(Top) Krishna always appears in this world with Srimati Radharani; (above) Krishna appears as Lord Caitanya in the Age of Kali.
Perfect Social and Environmental Harmony
On the occasion of Lord Krishna’s birth, seasonal changes took place throughout the entire universe. Krishna was born during the month of September, yet it appeared like springtime. The
atmosphere, however, was very cool, although not chilly, and the rivers and reservoirs appeared
just as they would in çarat, the fall. Lotuses and lilies blossom during the day, but although Krishna appeared at twelve o’clock midnight, the lilies and lotuses were in bloom, and thus the wind blowing at that time was full of fragrance. Because of Kamsa’s disturbances, the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies had almost stopped. The brahmanas and saintly persons could not execute the Vedic rituals with peaceful minds. But now the Brahmanas were very pleased to perform their daily ritualistic ceremonies undisturbed. The business of the asuras is to disturb the suras, the devotees and Brahmanas, but at the time of Krishna’s appearance these devotees and Brahmanas were undisturbed.