- H.H. Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
One may be wonder stuck to hear struggle as a game. We have heard of many
games - Cricket, football, tennis, kabbadi, chess and so ... on. But till
today, we have never heard struggle as game. Sorry to say, but true, every step
taken in life is a struggle. Not only human being, in fact every living entity
in this world have to suffer. Let that be animals, Plants, birds, Humans every
one struggles for their existence.
When a child is in the womb of mother, it has to suffer a lot, as soon as a child is born all the real problem starts - BIRTH, OLD AGE, DISEASE and DEATH. Unfortunately, these are not the only problem, along with the real problem we get other problems free such as stress, depression, dualities, in life - failures and victory, joy and sorrow, relationship problem, misunderstanding, clashes etc. Everything becomes too much then a person starts thinking - "I should have been the victim in a bomb blast or whatever"they start thinking negative and waste their human life. These are common problem which everyone - whether a devotee or a non devotee faces in day to day life.